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Street-corner education excursion.

CAS is conducting street-corner education programs at three locations; at Kaneshie, Konkomba and Adjey Kojo. Teams of workers from CAS, the Departments of social welfare and some NGOs visit the meetings points a few times a week.

The children are educated on life skill and health issues but in additions are taught about the children’s rights. At each visit some rights are discussed.

Members of theteam see to it that the children get the opportunity to express themselves on these issues and to ask questions.

As part of this educational and awareness creation exercise, CAS organized an excursion to Hopeland center at Adjey Kojo. Children of the various meeting points interacted with each-other. Approximately 100 children took part.

The Director of CAS and one of the children explained what the exercise was about. The group was divided into four groups and workers educated the children on some of their rights.

Later, each group selected a volley ball team and a football team to compete with each-other. The girls took part in some track events like athletics and other games.

It was a successful day and plans are already made to repeat it at the other locations in the city. We will keep you informed.

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